Jamil went to seven different schools before coming to The Fortune Society. For six years, he struggled to pass basic math. During that time, he also became involved with the criminal justice system. But things changed when he enrolled in our Education Services program.
In a supportive and understanding environment, Jamil developed a personal determination to overcome his academic and personal challenges. Eventually, he became a model student— he even began tutoring his classmates. When he finally earned his High School Equivalency Diploma at Fortune, he cried tears of joy, thanked his teachers, and told his mom, “We did it.”
Before joining The Fortune Society, Jamil never saw himself attending college. Now, he’s determined to go. Help us support more clients like Jamil— make a donation today.
A high school education is crucial for staying out of prison. In fact, 75% of crimes in the United States are committed by people who haven’t received a high school diploma.
Young people with justice involvement desperately need education in affirming spaces to find new paths forward. To address this urgency, we’ve provided a total of 28,635 annual instructional hours to our Education Services clients. We want to continue inspiring more young people— but need your help.
Your contributions help our clients unlock their academic potential, providing them with vital skills to impact their communities and change the world.
With your support, we can continue inspiring passion and success in our students, and profoundly change the course of their lives.